Solving a question

To solve a question, select the question area that was designated when added through Loudclass Author. A question can be solved only within its question area.



Correct answer check

This icon is to check the correct answer.

  • I04-3_ Image02 : When selecting this answer check button, the correct answer is displayed on teacher’s tablet and the scoring result is displayed as O/X on students’ tablets.
  • I04-3_ Image03_2 : This button is disabled if correct answer is not specified during authoring.
Selecting correct answer checkr button

Selecting correct answer checkr button


Displaying scoring result on students tablets

Displaying scoring result on students tablets


I05-4_Image06 Student answer check

This menu is to check answers submitted by students. The color of student answer check button is changed when all the students submitted answers.

  • List view : Answers are displayed with student thumbnails on the bottom of the screen.
  • Tile view : Students thumbnails, names and answers are displayed in full screen. The maximum number of students displayed in one screen can be set to 16, 9, 4 or 1.
List view

List view


Tile view

Tile view


Checking answer per student

If one student is selected in the answer list, the student’s answer is displayed in green within question area and his(her) name is displayed beside the student answer check button.



Displaying reset answer

Student can select the reset button to modify the answer. When the answer is reset, the student’s answer on teacher tablet is deleted and his(her) thumbnail is disabled. When the answer is submitted again, the thumbnail is enabled and the updated answer is displayed.

Resetting student answer

Resetting student answer